
want to be part of MR?
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Dude101 »

Have you played with the FMF writing tool? download the link below and send me an FMF. Preferably for a character we could use. Write whatever you want, a pimp, a bartender, an outlander, some crazy hermit in the wastes, whatever. Remember, you don't need to know the specifics of MR to write a character in the Fallout world. People don't magically know everything, and maybe what they do know is completely wrong. So tall tales and crazy talk are fine. You don't have to go to mental, just show us you are capable or constructing an interesting character who does not have to justify there existence with an epic item. Please post some voice samples as well.

Tutorial: ... raining_II
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Re: Recruiting

Post by kodomonii »

Playing with it, yes. Will have something soon.

If you ears aren't bleeding, then I've done my job. Let me know if those voices work. Til next time...
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Aurini »

So I hear you guys are looking for writers? Possibly voice actors?

I've got a completed novel that I'm shopping around for a publisher right now, as well as a few other writing projects underway - I'm not too shabby, if I do say so myself. My various contacts in the writing industry seem to agree. Voice work is something I've always wanted to get into.

I downloaded that dialogue-tree program you put up earlier. I'll toss together something for y'all - let me do some more research on what's going on with Mutants Rising, and I'll try to make it relevant to in-game plot. At the very least it'll be post apocalyptic. I might do some voice files, too - if so I'll toss them up onto Rapidshare, like you mentioned.

Cheers, guys.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Dude101 »

Cool. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Aurini »

Any chance I could get some background/setting information from you? That way I'd be able to write something that would better mesh with the game - even if it is just a scenery character.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Dude101 »

Sorry no. I cannot post anything other than the information on our about page. To give you any meaningful information would mean making our design docs public. Just write something simple, and make sure you have multiple dialogue paths for different character builds.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by kodomonii »

The fmf is ready, but be warned: the tool crashed on me an wouldn't open it. I had to manually edit it from that point.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Dude101 »

kodomonii wrote:

The fmf is ready, but be warned: the tool crashed on me an wouldn't open it. I had to manually edit it from that point.
FMFs only usually break when attempting to use the advanced features such as stat check, which are to complex for writers to work out. Even the team scriptors on FMF had to bring the tools maker in because Stat checks just don't work, unless you are some ubber 1337. I simply makes notes, and always tell others to do the same. Maybe you can be the first to work it out though. The tools creator quit the scene so it has zero support now.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Dude101 »

Here is a new dialogue tutorial I knocked together: ... _Continued
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Aurini »

Whew, that was quite the learning experience! Quite a bit different from writing novel dialogue.

Anyway, I've tossed together a flavour character for you. Wentworth is a man from up north, hanging out at a bar in a mid-sized burg (actually he's the protagonist in my novel, making a cameo appearance - I don't think this will distract too much). Conversation with Wentworth will assign a quest to retrieve a multitool for him. Completion will provide a +5 to Small Arms if the skill is lower than 75%, otherwise he'll provide a +5 to Stealth. He also provides an opportunity for sex with female characters, customized dialogue for females, skillcheck on Small arms and a stat check on Perception 8, and stupid dialogue.

I'm afraid I have no idea how to program the local variables... or would that be global variables? Or to assign quests or so forth. There is one Start Node which isn't set up because of this.

In other words, the dialogue works fine, but it needs integration into the game. All of these issues are listed in the Developer Notes section. I'll be checking out your latest tutorial, to see if that helps me figure out any of these issues.

Link: ... h.fmf.html

If you like this, I might submit a voice recording once I re-solder my microphone, assuming it records properly.

Edit: Just read your new dialogue instructions, and realized the formatting isn't quite how you want it. If you like the dialogue, I'll be happy to fix that.

Also, I was just watching S02E08 of The Wire where Ziggy gets talked into starting a fight with a guy fifty pounds heavier than him. Figure I might write a dialogue like that for a mid-Int mid/low-Str character.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Dude101 »

The reason I started to ask any potential new guys to write a "simple piece of text", is because I know writing flavour characters is actually a lot harder than writing mains. It is very hard to pull something out of the air like you did, and I am impressed. I'm glad you did not bother with the variables and stuff, because as it says in the new tutorial, no one can work that stuff out.

Ideally there should be more branching trees in your dialogue, but it is easier to write trees for main characters. As far as I am concerned you are now part of the team, but I will need to discuss this with the others.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Aurini »


A lot of it was just getting familiar with the process - the tool helps tons, and I've thought about this sort of thing before, but never really plotted it out.

Flavour characters can be one of the most important parts, the way I look at things. Remember that cheesy quest to find a zippo for the bounty hunter in F1 Bonyard? One of my favourite in the game.

Hell, if you guys just want me to write a bunch of flavour characters and toss them in all over the place I'll be happy to do that. Should be pretty easy for the programmers to integrate, too - no quests or other jazz necessary, I just gotta base them off of local variables.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by ardent »

I took the liberty of downloading the dialogue. I liked it a lot, well done, Aurini!

I hope we'll see you on the team! Cheers,

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Re: Recruiting

Post by Jinx »

G'day lads!
First off: I've been keeping my eye on the Mutants Rising Mod for several years, dropping in now and then, and went totally ape when I heard that you were looking for people.
I've been a Fallout fanatic since a wee age (when recieving Francis Ball Gag in FO:2, i didn't have a clue as to what it was... enough said). I've also been a fan of the post-apocalyptic theme
ever since I managed to sneak a peek at the Mad Max movies, once more at a very tender age.
I'm a writer; got no art or scripting skills to speak of, but then again; I'm a pretty good writer, and been a GM for as long as I can remember. My gig's are organizations, characters, and culture.
Never tried my hand on any serious kind of dialogue tree construction, but there's a first for everything.

My question is; are you still looking for writers? And if so I´m interested in any kind of future writer work associated with the mentioned Mod expansion, If the writer positions aren't already filled-up that is.
If dialogue-tree is all that you're looking for I'm willing to try my hand at that as well.

Previously I've only been helping out with some minor writing on a Neverwinter Night's mod called 'Dremolaria' that, sadly, never bore fruit.
(Did a Necromancer Guild and worked on the Dwarven Culture in the mod).

Keep up the good work --- Jinx
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Dude101 »

Fallout writers are hard to find. Especially ones that actually produce work. At the moment we have one new writer, and potential space for two more, so drop us a FMF application.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Jinx »

Okay, the fmf is done. Gotta' say that my respect for game developers kind of shot through the roof as I learned this thing, err, perhaps 'learned' is the wrong word to use here.
Feel's more like I managed to 'stumble it together' :whiu:

But anyway; Ûber-noob question... How the flipp do I send this to you? :tongue:
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Dude101 »

The Devs did not have a tool like this... they used wordpad. Poor bastards. Upload to then PM me the link.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Jinx »

Wordpad? Ouch... That's what I call bleeding for your cause. Well, I sent you the PM. Awaiting your reply.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by ardent »

I wrote nearly all dialogues for my mod in NotePad. Some of them through FSE's dialogue editor. But I never found much use for the FMF tool (I'm a solo modder, I know what nodes I want to put the dialogue into). :whoa:

So, it is possible.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Jinx »

As a solo-modder I can see that it's possible, after all the only notes you need are your own - and you don't need to go into detail in describing to a scripter what's to be done.
But still man, damn. Feel's good to know that there's so much talent working at this.
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