
want to be part of MR?
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Drobovik »

Hello, guys!

I saw a thread on Fallout modding wiki about recruiting for this mod. It said you need voice actors. I'd like to do that if there is still a need.
Also, I have translation and dialog editing skills: Russian - native, English as second language. Have two year degree in translation.

Currently, translating Global mod into English.

Always wanted to try myself in voice acting

Thank you for your reply,

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Re: Recruiting

Post by ardent »

Drobovik wrote:Hello, guys!

I saw a thread on Fallout modding wiki about recruiting for this mod. It said you need voice actors. I'd like to do that if there is still a need.
Also, I have translation and dialog editing skills: Russian - native, English as second language. Have two year degree in translation.
Hello, Drobovik! Thank you for your interest in Mutants Rising! :smil2:

We are still looking for voice actors. Could you please make a recording of your voice, upload it to Mediafire or a similar site and send me the link to the file via PM? I'll pass it on to the team and we'll decide whether your voice fits any of the characters remaining to be voiced.
If I may suggest, choose a character from either of the first Fallouts, e.g. Iguana Bob, and act his lines. If you can act with several voices, try different characters and lines. You don't have to record the entire dialogue - just 5-8 lines, so we can get an idea of what you sound like. Thank you in advance!

As for the translations/dialogue editing, we're not planning any translations currently, as there is not enough frozen dialogue content. We will nevertheless keep your offer in mind. Again, thank you!
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Drobovik »

Thank you for considering me.

I'll try to record some voices for you in the next few days.

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Re: Recruiting

Post by bbmultipass »

Hello guys, i am bbmultipass, a former scripter of dead project FallHope. (There is no chance to ressurect it.) I'd like to join your team as the scripter. I can produce any simple routine scripts, such as dialogs, cutscenes, and more complex, difficult scripts, using interface functions, sfall scripting functions.

I've made little video to demonstrate my skills.

So, there was the task:
"Further along the cliff wall is a natural opening into a small cave."

"The entry door is a standard Vault-Tek model with an access computer just to the left. If the player tampers with
the computer a pair of guards will come to investigate. The player will be invited into the vault after a brief
questioning. He will be immediately escorted to the medical center for disease testing. Upon passing the test he
will be given partial access to the base."

"Upon entering the level, the player will be escorted by two guards. He will be taken to the medical center to be
examined by the doctor, Sarah Whatley. The guards will return to their post at the guard station. Sarah will ask
the player to cooperate. If he does not, she will call for the guards to escort him from the base. The player will
not be allowed back in. If the player cooperates then Sarah will reveal plot critical information to the player for
this area. The player will be locked in dialog mode until the critical information is given. Afterwards the player
will be given limited access to the base."
- Maxson Bunker design document

And the result:

And the source code:
msacccom.ssl Access Computer
maxent.ssl Map Script
msmxbndr.ssl Maxson Bunker Door
mcdrgrd1.ssl Door Guard 1
mcdrgrd2.ssl Door Guard 2
maxbun.ssl Map Script
mcsarahw.ssl Sarah Whatley

EDIT: HO! I NEARLY FORGOT mxbndemo.h Header File!
Last edited by bbmultipass on Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by cp »

Hi bbmultipass,

Thanks for your interest. I took a look at the video... interesting stuff - especially the access computer. That was something quite innovative.

A further scripter would certianly take the pressure off myself and ardent. I'll talk to him concerning what needs to be done - but he's away for a week or so if you don't mind waiting.

What happened to Fallhope? How far to completion was it?
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Re: Recruiting

Post by bbmultipass »

cp wrote:interesting stuff
Thanks, i'm appreciate this.
cp wrote:I'll talk to him concerning what needs to be done - but he's away for a week or so if you don't mind waiting.
Ok, i'll wait for the answer. PM me here or at nma.
cp wrote:What happened to Fallhope? How far to completion was it?
There was too much talking instead of working, that's what happened :dead: Actually, there was one playable location, and a moderate amount of unfinished files like dialogs, pieces of art, maps, etc., so yes, it was pretty far away from completion.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by cp »

Ok, i'll wait for the answer. PM me here or at nma.
Is your name the same at NMA? Even so, we'll contact you here more likely than not.
There was too much talking instead of working
Usually the way with these types of mods - you need a very determined team and an even more determined leader. Luckily - we have a good set of guys and gals here. We'll certainly hit completion. :lolz:
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Lexx »

While it is good technic-wise, I don't think it's fitting into the game. Everything is dialog based-- NPC dialogs, using terminals, having detailed stuff on scenery objects, using sl0t machines, etc. etc. So if you change one thing (like sl0t machines), you'll have to change Terminals and stuff as well or it will just look out of place / messy art design.

This board ca$ino censorship shit is really annoying and silly.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by .Pixote. »

Another capable scriptor will be very useful for the team. bbmultipass has done some good stuff previously, I think he worked on a tile cutting action for Photoshop...anyway Ardent will know best, but it's OK with me. :mhmm:
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Re: Recruiting

Post by gaspard »

Hey there :jap:

After playing the latest demo several times I provided some feedback concerning bugs, typos and some general "critique" and then proposed that I could help you guys out with proofreading (and fixing) your English texts - be that dialogues or descriptions.
Ardent advised me to drop by your forums here and ask again on this board.

My native language is not English, though I know it at an advanced level. Very well, that is.
Having done most of my reading (a lot of it sci-fi and horror) in English and having lived with a native speaker for 5 years I am sure I qualify for the given task :)

Aside from my love of Fallout games and my awesome Eengleesh skillz I'm an art student majoring in easel painting. Every now and then I dust off my digital tablet and draw/paint things digitally. I've made several pictures for the PARPG project and I post infrequently on the NMA forums.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Equilerex »

Hey there! ive seen your stuff over on nma... nice style, i quite liked it :mhmm:
The guys might still need some help with paintings for end sequences... im sure the chris or ardent know more about it and will drop a line at some point :smirk:
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Re: Recruiting

Post by gaspard »

I've actually got a folder set up with all the slides I've seen so far, haha.

PS. tere :)
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Re: Recruiting

Post by Equilerex »

tervist! :run:
that gives a few flashbacks... seen you on conceptart too :ugly:
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Re: Recruiting

Post by gaspard »

Yeah well I haven't posted there in a while ... Schoolwork kept me off the Internet for a while[/i, but now I played the MR demo and it made my mouth water again õ_õ
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Re: Recruiting

Post by cp »

Hey gaspard,

Thanks for your application! Ardent is away at the moment but will be back soon. I'll contact him today and we can sort out the sort of things that need doing. :lolz:
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Re: Recruiting

Post by ardent »

gaspard wrote:Hey there :jap:

After playing the latest demo several times I provided some feedback concerning bugs, typos and some general "critique" and then proposed that I could help you guys out with proofreading (and fixing) your English texts - be that dialogues or descriptions.
Ardent advised me to drop by your forums here and ask again on this board.
Hey man, nice to see you! Access granted.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by hahahaweee »

Need anyone who is new to modding but has a lot of time? Been in love with fallout for a long time and would like to contribute.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by ardent »

hahahaweee wrote:Need anyone who is new to modding but has a lot of time? Been in love with fallout for a long time and would like to contribute.
Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm, but unless you possess some kind of modding skill (mapping, writing, art building, voice acting, etc.), we don't have the means and time to teach you. Check out this thread and this wiki for tutorials. Try some modding for yourself, see what interests you. Play with the Mapper and try to make a small mod (like - one NPC with a couple of lines of dialogue and a small map). If you don't like that, play with Fallout artworks and see if you can combine their elements to create new stuff (the so-called rip&flip department). Then come back with the results, if you're still interested of course.

Sorry to turn you down like that, but we're at a stage where very specific tasks need to be accomplished to move the project forward, and we need people who can kick into gear from the start. Don't get discouraged and good luck.
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Re: Recruiting

Post by hahahaweee »

do you need any extra music work done?

also, what exactly are you looking for in the rip&flip? Are we talking full screens for loading and such or additional items or scenes or can I just do whatever and is there a preferred format?

also, I have a fairly good mic (used for garage band recording currently) and am an English speaker so if you need an extra voice I can read some lines.
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