Regarding Sand

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Regarding Sand

Post by zennic »


This may sound like a silly topic for discussion when there's so much else to talk about regarding Mutants Rising, but I thought I would bring it up and see what the opinions are around here.

I noticed some fairly recent screen shots of your mod in a thread called "News Update - 27/08" on the NMA Mutants Rising subforum (I would have commented there, but NMA doesn't seem to accept any of my e-mail addresses). Just about every piece of art that you guys release is amazing, but this time, one thing seemed very off to me: the new sand tiles. Now, I haven't been following this project for very long, so I'm sort of out of the loop, but all other images I've seen out of Mutants Rising, including the ones in the gallery on your website, used the standard old sand. In some instances, your new tiles look great (around the building with the tower in the first shot, for example). However, in later images, I think it looks downright terrible. What I believe it is that bothers me about it is that it's a little too "busy" and richly colored, so when used in areas that are already busy, like a town or especially a junk yard, the new tiles make things feel very visually messy and distracting.

What I'm curious about is why the change was made. I always thought the wasteland in Fallout looked perfectly bleak and "If it ain't broke...", well, you know. Or are these tiles not meant to replace the originals? Are they only for certain areas -- to signify different soils in different regions? Just wondering.

Thanks, and good luck.
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Re: Regarding Sand

Post by cp »

What I'm curious about is why the change was made. I always thought the wasteland in Fallout looked perfectly bleak and "If it ain't broke...", well, you know. Or are these tiles not meant to replace the originals? Are they only for certain areas -- to signify different soils in different regions? Just wondering.
The new tiles are meant to be used only in some areas of the game just to add a little bit of difference to the game. Fallout 2 was not fantastic for variety.

We deliberated for some time, but we cannot please everybody in every sense - that's the nature of modding unfortunately.

The new tiles can be replaced with old ones if you didn't like them - just open the mapper and adjust them when things are released.
However, in later images, I think it looks downright terrible
WHich images don't you like?
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Re: Regarding Sand

Post by Continuum »

Yeah, that tiles (D type) don't look good (first version looked even worse), that's why they're not supported by those scenery pieces. Some shinny day they're going to be replaced with better version.

To find out more about custom ground tiles read this thread, or check this and this post.

This whole custom ground tiles thing was rather an experiment which turned into something acceptable. Some shinny day maybe a decent replacement of default ones will be done. Maybe...
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Re: Regarding Sand

Post by zennic »

cp wrote:The new tiles are meant to be used only in some areas of the game just to add a little bit of difference to the game. Fallout 2 was not fantastic for variety.
That's what I was hoping, and I certainly understand the desire to add some variety. Looking at the thread that Continuum linked, oddly it's only those tiles (type D?), that look wrong to me. It almost looks more like some kind of sludge or clay than sand.
WHich images don't you like?
If you're looking at the thread on NMA, in the post about halfway down with all the screenshots, it's the fourth and fifth ones that I dislike the most. Something about the new sand and all the junk clashes for me, but I'm obviously in the minority.

It's also occurring to me now that in some of those shots, you've used this new desert tileset on one side of the fences and walls, and the old Fallout style on the other side. Was that intentional or is it just temporary?
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Re: Regarding Sand

Post by cp »

It's also occurring to me now that in some of those shots, you've used this new desert tileset on one side of the fences and walls, and the old Fallout style on the other side. Was that intentional or is it just temporary?
Termporary. I ran out of time.
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Re: Regarding Sand

Post by AltraWave7 »

Indeed it will be all new tiles once I'm done.

"Working To Build A Better Wasteland!"
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Re: Regarding Sand

Post by zennic »

Thanks for clearing some things up for my, guys. I can't say I like that particular set of tiles, but I'll live. :heh: And what you said about not being able to please everyone -- oh, I know. That's not just the nature of modding. It's the nature of everything.

I'm eagerly awaiting this project, despite any tiny issues I might have about it.
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Re: Regarding Sand

Post by Dude101 »

I can't wait either! I think I am MRs biggest fan. I can't wait for everyone to see what we have done. I look forward to MR Las Vegas being compared to New Vegas. It is a shame that NV cannon will effectively kill what I did with the place though :(

I am currently dreaming about the next project as well :)
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