Rufus wrote:Nice work guys

Many thanks!
my first walkthrough was nearly without complication ...but when Jorden goes of to Gorben's genarel store ,you get trapt if you stand inside of the room after the conversation.. the door is locked somehow anyway
The door can be picked if it gets locked, so it's not like this is a critical bug, but a bug indeed.
Whatever wrote:At my first playthrough i was stuck, because I thought that the body of yhe boy in the graveyard was needed for something, so i dug it up and walked with it to the doctor. Then put it on the shelf, since it was heavy. The doctor didn't mind. ^^
Hmm, we might look into that, but that's quite a lot of scripting for not so much gain.
Great work, but a bit linear, since I coudn't help Matatu. Hope the final version will have more choices.
There won't be any major changes to Elko. We were pondering the option to enable you to work for Matatu, in fact there's some locked dialogue with Cassidy about that (I believe you can still find it in the dialogue file), but we finally chose against it. Here are the reasons for that, as explained by Jinx who designed and wrote all dialogue for this area:
Jinx wrote:Okay, while working through the EvilDude Main Quest Path (I've done a first draft concept of the quest design as well as added dialogue to several NPC's) I've come to the conclusion that the EvilDude Path should probably be dropped. Why?
1. There is no clear motive for Matatu to want Dude as apart of his plans. Dude is too great a risk all things considered, even if Dude would act extremely evil and greedy (working against his/her childhood friends and role models in exchange for money, etc).
2. There really isn't any believable way to stop Dude from turning on Matatu instantly when he/she gets enough proof to have the Council pin Matatu (which in all honesty, is fully acceptable as a means to roleplay), which would result in Dude being able to 'shortcut' to the end on the Elko main quests, breaking the xp-buildup and quest progression in Elko. I initially began constructing the quests so that goons working for Matatu would simply hinder Dude from reaching any 'good' authority figures with possible proof, but in practice this becomes a very forced sort of gameplay.
An alternative would be to let Dude work for Matatu on a very, very basic level. As in: Dude can get a quest or two from Matatu, but Dude gets little to no info on how it all adds up in the bigger picture... But then again, said quests wouldn't be bad karma as Dude doesn't know or even get proper hints about the nature of the quests (Matatu, as stated, wouldn't trust Dude with delicate info or tasks because Dude isn't brainswashed by him in the manner that, say, Vrax is).
So the problem is: the main antagonist of the area is Matatu, who despises the Elkans, of whom Dude is a part. Because Dude is already established as part of the Elkan Culture instead of the Arroyan Culture Matatu wouldn't trust to use Dude as one of his goons. And as the already established Main Quests are based upon Matatu's established personality and motives, changing Matatu, even the slightest, would most likely fuzz-up the other quests.
So yeah, I'm for dropping the Evil Dude quest path in Elko entirely, and perhaps work in more bad karma options in the already established quests, without involving Matatu and his schemes further.
Edit: Aaaand with another non-stupid character the body was needed. I wonder if it's randomized, or if it depends on stats. Now Jordan wasn't corrupted, and his desk was empty
It depends on your stats.
Edit#2: Ok, now I'm impressed. When I took a pre - defined Teid i could repair the radio, and - for whatever reason - listen to the Left Eye Lynch story. I syill would prefer more freedom in choosing the sites of the conflict, but I'm genuienly impresssed wiyh how much the skills change gameplay. After fitst playthrough I'd give the demo 7/10, but now it's much closer to 9/10. Great job.
Yes, skills, attributes and gender change gameplay a lot

In order to see everything, you should play at least 4 or 5 times - with male and female intelligent characters and different orientations (thief, diplomat, fighter), as well as one playthrough with a male dumb dude and one with a female dumb dude.
AgeOfDecadence wrote:I'm not sure what's wrong, when I try to start the demo it says "Couldn't find/load text fonts."
Something's wrong with your fallout2.cfg in the MutantsRising folder. In the file, there are lines pointing to master.dat and critter.dat. If the path is wrong, you'll get the "text fonts" error. You should have the mod installed in your Fallout 2 installation directory (so if you have Fallout 2 installed in, say... C:\Games\Fallout2, then your MR folder should be located in C:\Games\Fallout2\MutantsRising) and it should work without problems, provided that the files master.dat and critter.dat are in your Fallout 2 folder. If you do have it installed like this and it still doesn't work, check out
this thread to see what needs to be done. If you still have problems, post us the contents of your fallout2.cfg, along with a pic of the folder tree. We'll try to help.